View the profiles of people named Ven Ampitiye Sumanarathana Thero. Join Facebook to connect with Ven Ampitiye Sumanarathana Thero and others you may .Thero (Pali; also appearing in stem-form as thera, feminine therī) is an honorific term for bhikkhus and bhikkhunis (Buddhist monks and nuns) in the Buddhist monastic order.The Pāli term means "elder". These terms, which are used at the end of a monastic's monastic name, are useful to distinguish those who have at least 10 years since their upasampada (higher ordination). The name of an important collection of very early poetry is called the Therigatha "verses of the therīs".
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Ampitiye sumanaratana thero will respond
View the profiles of people named Ven Ampitiye Sumanarathana Thero. Join Facebook to connect with Ven Ampitiye Sumanarathana Thero and others you may .Thero (Pali; also appearing in stem-form as thera, feminine therī) is an honorific term for bhikkhus and bhikkhunis (Buddhist monks and nuns) in the Buddhist monastic order.The Pāli term means "elder". These terms, which are used at the end of a monastic's monastic name, are useful to distinguish those who have at least 10 years since their upasampada (higher ordination). The name of an important collection of very early poetry is called the Therigatha "verses of the therīs".
Ampitiye sumanaratana thero will respond
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